Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apology and Announcement

Dear Readers,

I apologize for neglecting this blog. I have no computer at the moment, and I am attempting to adjust to a hectic semester schedule. Hopefully I shall be able to resume posting shortly. I will put up one post today.

I also would like to announce that I am going to start another blog. Ideally, I would like to post on one or the other once a week. The reason for a new blog is that this blog has become a socio-political commentary for the most part. At least that is how my bloggish postings tend to be. I do have thoughts on other things, but they tend to be more religious. Because of the political nature of this blog, I believe it would be best for me to publish my religious ideology elsewhere. I do not want to blend my controversial political viewpoints with my Christianity. They are not related, at least not much. I believe that leaving religion out of politics helps prevent discrimination. People say America is a Christian country. I feel that that is true in a very small, unimportant sense. I believe that America must first behave as a free country before it can even hope to claim Christianity. That is my opinion at least. That is also the most I will likely blend relgion and politics. I would like to primarily focus on the concept of freedom based on the concept of free will. I do not think you can deny free will, even if it is a relgious concept (at least from my end). Everyone has a choice. Almost everyone agrees on that.

Anyways, I apologize for that tangent. My relgious literature will be posted on a sister blog. Poems of a religious nature will still be posted here, since they (hopefully) are artistic. I myself have enjoyed the poetry of those who have differing religious views and conveyed those views through poetry.

The address for my new blog is

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